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When an embryo has aneuploidy, or an incorrect number of chromosomes, there is an increased likelihood of IVF failure and miscarriage

The Texas Fertility Center team understands how heartbreaking it can be to experience a miscarriage or IVF failure. Our Austin fertility center also knows that aneuploidy, having too many or too few chromosomes, is a common cause. One of the best ways to prevent transferring an embryo with an incorrect number of chromosomes is preimplantation genetic testing, or PGT.

Aneuploidy is relatively common, but certain risk factors, like advanced maternal age, can increase its occurrence

It is not uncommon for some embryos to be chromosomally abnormal. However, our Austin fertility center emphasizes that certain patients are more likely to have embryos with aneuploidy.

  • Women who are 35 years or older. As a woman ages, the quality and quantity of her eggs decline. By the time she reaches the age of 35, she is thought to be of advanced maternal age, and she has more chromosomally abnormal eggs, which lead to chromosomally abnormal embryos.
  • Women who have a history of miscarriage or failed IVF cycles. Chromosomal abnormalities are responsible for many miscarriages and failed IVF cycles. When a patient’s history contains several failed IVF attempts or multiple miscarriages, our fertility specialists suspect that a patient’s embryos are more likely to have aneuploidy.

The best way to prevent transferring embryos that have aneuploidy is to screen them for genetic abnormalities before transfer

There is hope for patients who have a higher risk of producing embryos with aneuploidy. Our Austin fertility center often recommends PGS for patients who want to ensure that they are transferring embryos that are genetically normal and healthy.

IVF lab professionals screen embryos prior to transfer using array CGH or next generation sequencing, NGS, with results that analyze all 46 chromosomes.
Both methods can help screen embryos for chromosomal abnormalities that can impact implantation, growth and development. This ensures that only chromosomally normal embryos are transferred, which increases the likelihood of having a healthy live birth.

If you’d like to know more about aneuploidy or PGT, please contact Texas Fertility Center for more information or to schedule an appointment with one of our caring fertility specialists.