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Semen Analysis

A semen analysis can help men learn about their sperm count and fertility

When a man or a couple visits Texas Fertility Center to get help conceiving, our Austin fertility specialists will likely order a semen analysis. This simple test provides a wealth of information about a man’s reproductive potential. It does so by examining critical components of sperm health and function.

What can you expect from a semen analysis?

For the best results, we recommend providing a semen sample using masturbation or with help from your partner after at least 48 hours of abstinence. Our Austin fertility specialists also recommend that you avoid using any gels or other chemicals that might interfere with the semen evaluation.

You can collect this sample at home or in our partner lab, Ovation® Fertility. If you decide to collect at home, you’ll need to keep the semen sample close to body temperature and bring it to our office within an hour of collection.

Once the specimen arrives in the laboratory, andrologists will evaluate it for multiple parameters of sperm and semen health.

  • Semen volume
  • Sperm count, or concentration (the number of sperm per volume of semen)
  • Motility (the percentage of sperm that are alive and swimming)
  • Morphology (the percentage of sperm with a normal shape and size)

If the semen analysis reveals a low sperm count, your physician may recommend a second analysis to confirm this result. If testing still shows a low sperm count, our Austin fertility specialists have a variety of tests and treatments that can help.

What are the treatments for a low sperm count?

In the event you have a low sperm count, our team may order bloodwork to test your follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone. If your hormone levels are abnormal, we can recommend medications that can easily correct the problem.

Our Austin fertility specialists can also recommend other treatments to help overcome a low sperm count and have a baby. Some of the most common examples include intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Severe cases of male infertility may require IVF with intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). During this procedure, an embryologist injects a single sperm directly into an egg in the laboratory. This procedure is both safe and effective.

In some cases, we may refer you to a local urologist. This type of physician has received training that allows them to diagnose and treat disorders of the male reproductive tract. This doctor can make specialized treatment recommendations based on your unique situation and diagnosis.

If you’d like to learn more about your sperm count, contact us to schedule an appointment. We can order a semen analysis and help you get on the path to fatherhood.