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Texas Fertility Center Group

Fertility Surgery

Fertility surgery may be all that it takes for you to bring home a healthy baby

We know that having surgery probably doesn’t rank very high on the list of things you want to do. However, if your list of dreams and goals includes overcoming infertility and having a baby, you might want to consider fertility surgery. Our Austin fertility surgeons are experts who have helped many patients become parents using minimally invasive and robotic techniques.

If your fertility evaluation suggests you have endometriosis, uterine fibroids, pelvic adhesions or endometrial polyps, keep reading to learn how surgery can help you on your path to parenthood.

Minimally invasive fertility surgery provides maximum results with minimal recovery

In nearly all cases, we use minimally invasive techniques. Minimally invasive surgery provides all the benefits of traditional surgery, but with less risk, pain and recovery time.

During this type of fertility surgery, our skilled Austin fertility surgeons will make very small incisions or no incision at all, depending on the procedure. They will then insert a small camera or telescope to evaluate your reproductive organs and diagnose your problem. Your surgeon will then use small surgical instruments to make any necessary repairs.

Both our doctors and our patients appreciate the benefits of minimally invasive fertility surgery.

Faster recovery time. In most cases, you can go home the same day and expect to make a full recovery in 24 to 48 hours.

Fewer scars. Laparoscopy usually requires between 1 and 3 very small incisions (1/4 to 1/2 in.) in the lower abdomen, along with an incision in the navel (about 1/2 in.). Hysteroscopy doesn’t require any incisions.

Less risk, less pain. Without an extended hospital stay, there is less risk of infection. Also, smaller incisions result in less pain, reduced scarring and fewer pain medications.

We can perform different types of minimally invasive techniques

In the world of fertility surgery, there are three general techniques, including laparoscopy, hysteroscopy and robotic surgery. Our Austin fertility surgeons will work with you to decide which one is best for you.

Laparoscopy is an outpatient procedure that involves two to three small incisions. Your doctor will place a special instrument through the belly button to view your reproductive organs. During the procedure, your doctor can also correct conditions, including ovarian cysts, fibroids, endometriosis, blocked fallopian tubes and adhesions.

Robotic surgery is like laparoscopy because it only requires a few small incisions. Your doctor will place tiny surgical instruments, which are mounted to robotic arms, through the incisions to view your organs and perform the surgery. Our Austin fertility surgeons use the da Vinci® Surgical System. It improves our surgeon’s precision, view and dexterity during surgery.

Hysteroscopy does not involve incisions because your doctor will place the camera and instruments through the vaginal opening to reach the uterus. This type of surgery can help treat fibroids, polyps, adhesions and uterine abnormalities.

Our doctors can refer men to local urologists for surgery

If male fertility issues are at play and require fertility surgery, our team can make a referral to an Austin fertility urologist. Our team will ensure that embryologists are available to help the urologist assess sperm quality and prepare or freeze sperm obtained using microsurgical sperm retrieval procedures.

We know that hearing the word “surgery” makes people uneasy, but you’ll be in good hands with our Austin fertility surgeons. Our doctors have the experience and skill to make your procedure a success and the compassion to help you feel comfortable. Contact us to schedule an appointment and move forward on your fertility journey.

What Is a Laparoscopy and How Is It Done?

Dr. SIlverberg talks about how a fertility laparoscopy can be diagnostic and therapeutic.

Dr Silverberg - What Is a Laparoscopy and How Is It Done Video