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Texas Fertility Center Group

Recurrent Pregnancy Loss

Find support and fertility treatments to overcome recurrent pregnancy loss

Our Austin recurrent miscarriage experts understand how devastating it can be to experience recurrent pregnancy loss. Not only is it heartbreaking, it can also feel isolating. However, you aren’t alone. Early pregnancy loss affects approximately 1 in 10 women, while 5% of women will experience two or more pregnancy losses in their lifetime.

The team at Texas Fertility Center wants you to know that there is still a good chance that you will be able to give birth to a healthy baby, even if you’ve experienced two or more miscarriages.

What is recurrent pregnancy loss?

The American Society for Reproductive Medicine defines recurrent pregnancy loss as two or more pregnancy losses that occur before week 28 of pregnancy.

The first step in overcoming recurrent pregnancy loss is determining the underlying cause or causes. Our Austin recurrent miscarriage experts will look for anatomic or congenital problems with the uterus and other issues that they can correct. In some cases, the causes of recurrent pregnancy loss are unexplained, but nearly 80% of women with this diagnosis will eventually be able to conceive and deliver a baby without any issue.

What are the causes of recurrent pregnancy loss?

Our Austin recurrent miscarriage experts know that the causes of recurrent pregnancy loss can include one or more mitigating factors, including:

  • Unknown causes – 40%
  • Hematologic or immunologic causes – 25%
  • Anatomic Causes – 22%
  • Hormonal causes – 20%
  • Infectious causes – 6%
  • Genetic causes – 3%

(These numbers add up to more than 100% because some patients will have multiple causes.)

How do fertility doctors test for recurrent pregnancy loss?

Our Austin recurrent miscarriage experts believe that testing for recurrent pregnancy loss should include obtaining a chromosome analysis (karyotype) on each parent, looking for genetic causes. This picture of parental chromosomes can provide clues about the underlying factors that cause half of all early miscarriages. Our team also utilizes blood tests, a pelvic ultrasound, a hysterosalpingogram (HSG), and other tests to assess hormone levels and the reproductive organs.

Identifying treatable factors, including autoimmune disorders, adhesions and the most common types of uterine malformations, often gives hopeful parents a sense of relief. They know what is causing their miscarriages and are confident that our Austin recurrent miscarriage experts can provide the treatments that are necessary to help them bring home a baby.

Hopeful parents in the United States experience more than one million miscarriages each year, a devastating outcome for women and men who once felt optimistic after seeing a positive pregnancy test. Although recurrent pregnancy loss can seem insurmountable, the overwhelming majority of patients with this condition will successfully deliver a healthy child.

Contact us to schedule a consultation with our Austin recurrent miscarriage experts about how they can help you overcome recurrent pregnancy loss and bring home a bundle of joy.