Treating blocked fallopian tubes
Some couples may choose to attempt reconstructive surgery prior to IVF – either because surgery may be covered by their insurance whereas IVF may not be covered – or because they desire to try to conceive on their own. If your HSG reveals a blocked fallopian tube, our Texas Fertility Center reproductive surgeons will discuss several options with you.
Moving straight to in vitro fertilization. IVF is an effective fertility treatment that bypasses the need to involve the fallopian tubes in conception.
Laparoscopy and/or hysteroscopy to repair the fallopian tubes. Read more here about this minimally invasive fertility surgery.
Laparoscopy to remove irreparably damaged fallopian tubes. Research (some of which was done by our own TFC physicians) has shown that doing IVF in the presence of tubes that are distally obstructed will decrease a woman’s likelihood of successful conception by up to 50%. In such cases, removing the damaged tube(s) prior to IVF will restore the chance for success back to normal.
You only get one chance to repair a fallopian tube
It is important to know that research has shown that you only get one chance to repair a damaged fallopian tube; additional surgeries are rarely successful. Therefore if you need tubal surgery, you should seek care from a board certified reproductive endocrinologist who has the training and the skill to give you the best possible chance for success.
It is also important to know that even if your tubes turn out to be irreparably damaged and have to be removed, you still have hope. In vitro fertilization (IVF), which was first developed to treat patients with blocked tubes, offers outstanding results.
Women who have previously had their tubes tied also have several fertility treatment options available to them. In many cases, the interrupted portions of the tubes can be successfully microsurgically reattached (“tubal anastomosis” or “tubal reanastomosis”). If not, IVF is an exceptional alternative. Read more about fallopian tube reanastomosis here.
Our experienced reproductive surgeons are always available to discuss your options with you. Whether you choose surgical repair or IVF, you can count on the physicians at Texas Fertility Center to design a thorough evaluation and treatment plan just for you.
Remember, medical guidelines recommend scheduling a fertility workup after 12 months of negative pregnancy tests (or six months for women over 35). Contacting a fertility specialist will help uncover blocked fallopian tubes or other hidden causes of infertility, so that you can rapidly pursue your goal of starting or expanding your family.
Contact us at Texas Fertility Center for an assessment of your tubal patency and recommendations for overcoming blocked fallopian tubes.