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Candidates for Fertility Surgery

Extra help to become a parent – Candidates for fertility surgery

Extra help to become a parent – Candidates for fertility surgerySometimes, the path to parenthood can include more than just fertility medications and IVF. Our Austin fertility surgeons may recommend fertility surgery to help some patients welcome a baby. Who are these candidates for fertility surgery? How can surgery help them achieve their dream of parenthood? The Texas Fertility Center team is here to answer all these questions.

Who are candidates for fertility surgery?

Our Austin fertility surgeons find that there are several types of candidates for fertility surgery. Some of the most common conditions that require surgery include adhesions, endometriosis, fibroids, polyps and uterine abnormalities. Thankfully, our experienced team can treat most of these conditions with minimally invasive surgery.

  • Adhesions are scar tissue that can come from infections, endometriosis or previous surgeries. These sometimes-painful adhesions can affect fertility by blocking the path from the ovary to the fallopian tube. This issue can prevent fertilization and pregnancy.
  • Endometriosis occurs when the uterine lining grows outside of the uterus. This tissue can attach to the ovaries, bowel, bladder or pelvic cavity. When this tissue grows, it can cause pain and interfere with fertilization and implantation, which can lead to infertility.
  • Fibroids are benign tumors in the uterus. Although they are not cancerous, fibroids can impair your fertility and increase your risk of miscarriage in some cases.
  • Polyps are over-growths of the uterine lining that can cause bleeding in between periods as well as infertility.
  • Uterine abnormalities can cause infertility and recurrent pregnancy loss. The most common correctable anomaly is a uterine septum. This is when tissue divides the uterus into two sections.

Selecting an experienced fertility surgeon makes all the difference

Before moving forward, candidates for fertility surgery should research Austin fertility surgeons. After all, selecting a fertility surgeon is not a decision to take lightly. The fertility surgeons at Texas Fertility Center have extensive experience and training in surgical techniques, including minimally invasive surgery. As a result, their skill helps patients recover faster and overcome their fertility issues to welcome a healthy baby.

Contact us to schedule an appointment to learn if you’re a candidate for fertility surgery.

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