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Raising Endometriosis Awareness – Signs and Symptoms

Texas Fertility Center strives to raise endometriosis awareness every day

Raising endometriosis awareness is important to the team at our Austin fertility center. This is why Texas Fertility Center is taking time to help women learn more about this common and complex condition. We’ll explain what endometriosis is and what symptoms to look for.

What is endometriosis?

Endometriosis awareness in Austin, TxAs stated above, endometriosis is a common condition. In fact, about 10% of women will suffer from it during their reproductive years. This condition occurs when uterine lining grows outside of the uterus, typically in the pelvic cavity. The result can be symptoms that range from pain to infertility.

While this condition can be distressing for women, there is hope. Our Austin fertility center offers effective and affordable treatments for all stages and symptoms of endometriosis.

Part of endometriosis awareness involves understanding its symptoms

Endometriosis is a complex condition, and there is still no test to diagnose it. Because of this, the average woman may not receive an accurate endometriosis diagnosis for up to 12 years. You know your body better than anyone else, so you can get a diagnosis sooner by understanding the symptoms of this condition.

  • Pelvic pain is one of the most common symptoms of endometriosis. Most women feel this pain during their period, but it can also occur at any time throughout the month, including during ovulation.
  • Pain during sex is a common issue for women with endometriosis. This pain can occur during and after intercourse.
  • Discomfort during urination and bowel movements can occur in women with this condition, especially during their period. Women may also experience constipation, diarrhea or bloating.
  • Heavy or irregular menstrual bleeding can occur due to endometriosis.
  • Infertility is one of the most discouraging symptoms of endometriosis. An estimated 30-40% of women with endometriosis will experience fertility issues.

Although many women experience pain with endometriosis, some women may not even know they have the condition until they experience trouble conceiving.

If you are struggling to conceive due to endometriosis or are experiencing pain that prevents you from carrying out your daily activities, our Austin fertility center can help. In fact, our doctors wrote the chapter on endometriosis in the gynecology textbook that many medical schools use.

Contact us to learn more about the diagnosis and treatment of endometriosis.

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