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“Come Here, Man… We’ve Been Through the Ringer Together.”

Meet Caitlyn Allen and hear her story

These were the words that Dr. Kaylen Silverberg said as he man-hugged my husband. You know the “man-hug”: the half embrace/half hearty-back-slap maneuver that grown men do to show solidarity. It was our graduation day. I was 10 weeks pregnant. It was time to leave our sanctuary at Texas Fertility Center and move on to the big, scary world of an OBGYN’s office.

What was “the ringer” for us? It was a laparoscopy to remove endometriosis, eight IUIs (two with injectables), two IVF retrievals, a few minor bouts of OHSS, three embryo transfers, and a miscarriage. Along the way, I’ve written about them all.

Introducing a new Texas Fertility Center blog contributor – Caitlyn Allen

CaitylnNow I have the privilege of writing monthly for the TFC e-newsletter and online blog. My purpose is to be a recurring patient voice for you; to explore your (slash our) burning questions, to make you laugh, to offer comfort, to provide insight, but most of all to give you hope.

As I walked out of Texas Fertility Center that day almost one year ago, I was a mess. A movie reel of all that we — the fertility specialists, the nurses, the clinical staff, the embryologists — had been through together played in my mind. If it takes a village to raise a child, it took a metropolis to just make mine. Many of these folks gathered around me before I left, hugging me, their tears matching the ones in my eyes.

TFC has this radical way of functioning: They desperately want positive outcomes for their patients, but they also care deeply about their journey to get there. Are we well informed during this stage of uncertainty? How are we being treated in our vulnerability? Do we feel confident in the plan laid out before us? Are we hopeful? Are we OK?

I am once again a patient at the booming metropolis that is Texas Fertility Center. Like its other members, I care about you and the path you’re taking to build a family. I hope to make your journey a little lighter. Let’s walk through this ringer together, man (or you know… woman).

Contact us to learn more about blogs from Caitlyn Allen.

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