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Not All Mothers are Moms Yet – TTC and Mother’s Day

Tips for TTC and Mother’s Day

Did you know that the woman who founded Mother’s Day wasn’t a mom herself? The month of May can be difficult for anyone trying in vain to get pregnant. As a result, Texas Fertility Center suggests selecting an emphasis other than Mother’s Day and TTC

A new way to view Mother’s Day

Here are a few spectacular women that gave selflessly to society, without giving birth. Texas Fertility Center salutes these mothers of movements that changed the world:

Anna Jarvis Considered the mother of Mother’s Day, Anna was the 9th of 11 children but never had children. In honor of her late mother and a graveside promise, she devoted years to letter-writing campaigns and advocacy efforts that finally resulted in a proclamation in 1914 making the second Sunday in May Mother’s Day.

Mother Theresa At 17, she left her family to travel to Ireland and then India, eventually devoting her life to the poor. She received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. When the Pope gifted her his ceremonial limousine, she raffled it off to build a leper colony.

Mary Eliza Mahoney The first black professional nurse in America pursued her dream when she was just 18. She was a leader and one of the first black members of what would become the American Nurses Association (ANA), an activist in the suffrage movement and director of the Howard Orphan Asylum in New York.

 Jane Addams The 8th of nine children, Jane Addams was a feminist and activist in Chicago whose father was a friend of Abraham Lincoln’s. In 1889, she founded a community center called Hull-House that offered preschool programs, education, arts and vocational training to the immigrant community in Chicago.

As you focus on getting pregnant and infertility treatment, don’t overlook the woman you were born to be: What are your hopes and dreams for making the world a better place?

Texas Fertility Center actively works for positive change in our community, and also encourages you to recognize the women in your life that have shaped and influenced you.

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