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Premature Ovarian Failure

Most women experience menopause when they reach middle-age, but some women will experience premature ovarian failure

Fertility doesn’t last forever. On average, women in the United States go through menopause around the age of 51. However, Texas Fertility Center sees some women who experience ovarian failure and lose ovarian function much earlier in life. When a woman loses ovarian function before the age of 40, the physicians at our Austin fertility center will give her a premature ovarian failure diagnosis.

Knowledge is power when it comes to premature ovarian failure

Ovarian failure occurs when a woman’s ovaries stop releasing eggs and producing normal amounts of estrogen. The physicians at our Austin fertility center will likely diagnose a patient with premature ovarian failure if she exhibits symptoms associated with menopause before the age of 40.

  • Irregular or absent periods
  • Hot flashes
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Infertility

There are several causes of premature ovarian failure. Most often, it is caused by a predetermined genetic factor. Sometimes, conditions such as endometriosis or ovarian tumors can damage a woman’s ovaries and cause premature ovarian failure. There are other causes as well.

  • Surgeries on reproductive organs
  • An autoimmune condition that produces anti-ovarian antibodies
  • Cancer treatments like chemotherapy or radiation

Women diagnosed with premature ovarian failure can still become mothers on their own, or using donor eggs

Many patients are distressed when they receive a diagnosis of premature ovarian failure. It is possible, but not likely, to get pregnant without intervention. However, the physicians at our Austin fertility center want patients to know that they can still make their dream of motherhood come true through the use of IVF with donor eggs.

A woman can ask her sister or another female family member to be her egg donor. This is an excellent option for women who want their children to have a genetic tie to them. If a woman does not have a female relative who can donate eggs, she can turn to an anonymous donor through an egg bank or select a donor from the Texas Fertility Center network.

Patients are always happy to learn that IVF with donor eggs has a high success rate, regardless of the source of the donor eggs.

Would you like more information about premature ovarian failure? Please contact Texas Fertility Center today.

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