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Taking Control with Elective Egg Freezing

Taking Control with Elective Egg Freezing

Thinking about future fertility and considering elective egg freezing

Thinking about future fertility and considering egg freezingEmily is an intelligent and driven woman with a thriving career. She always knew that she wanted to be a mother, but she wanted to do it when it was right for her. “I’ve always wanted to have children, but I wanted to do it on my time and on my terms. That’s why I decided to pursue elective egg freezing when I was 35,” she says.

She had been thinking about fertility preservation for a while when her sister told her about Austin egg freezing specialist, Kaylen Silverberg MD. Emily chuckles, “It’s funny because I kept driving by the Texas Fertility Center billboard on Mopac, and I finally ended up scheduling an appointment.”

Beginning the elective egg freezing journey

For her first appointment, Emily brought her sister and her mother for support. She immediately felt comfortable in the care of our Austin egg freezing specialist. “Dr. Silverberg was wonderful. He took the time to answer all of our questions and explain everything. He explained it both scientifically and in layman’s terms,” she remembers.

From the difference between egg and embryo freezing, to what would happen when she was ready to use her frozen eggs, Dr. Silverberg carefully went over every detail. Emily praised him for spending so much time with her and walking her through the elective egg freezing process. “I love him,“ she says.

From injections to egg retrieval

The most difficult part of the elective egg freezing process was giving herself injections. According to Emily, “Learning how to give myself shots was scary because I’m afraid of needles. While I was at my sister’s baby shower in Chicago, I was struggling to give myself the shots. I called the TFC night nurse and she walked me through it. I was so grateful.”

Emily found that egg retrieval with our Austin egg freezing specialist was the easiest part of the process. “It was so easy, and it felt like it only took 10 minutes. I adored my nurse. She was very comforting,” she says. After the retrieval, Emily ended up with 23 eggs, and 19 of them were good. “Everyone’s body is different, and I was very lucky to get so many eggs from one cycle.”

As for her plans for her eggs, Emily is hoping to try to conceive naturally in the next two to three years. If it doesn’t work, then she’ll use her frozen eggs. She calls them her “insurance policy.”

Advice for women considering egg freezing

Emily was honest about her experience. “The medications made me feel emotional and caused physical changes, but I was back to normal after a few months. Even though I didn’t love the needles and medications, egg freezing was so worth it. It’s my favorite thing I’ve ever done,” she says.

For any woman who is waiting to start a family, for any reason, Emily “100% recommends” that she go through with egg freezing. “It provides peace of mind, and it gives you control and takes away the anxiety associated with waiting to start a family.”

As for where to go for fertility preservation, she recommends our Austin egg freezing center. According to Emily, “I wouldn’t go anywhere, but Texas Fertility Center. All of the doctors are so down-to-earth, fun and happy. They make you feel comfortable and like you’re in good hands. The nurses were helpful, and they respond immediately.”

She also added that egg freezing was cheaper than she thought it would be, and that some of her friends are planning to take advantage of TFC’s financing plans in order to do it. “One of my friends cried tears of joy when she found out about it because she didn’t think she could afford egg freezing until she learned about the financing options.”

Contact us to learn how you can take control of your fertility with egg freezing at Texas Fertility Center.

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