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Texas Fertility Center Group


Getting Personal with Boston Fertility Patients

Helping former Boston fertility patients

Last December, I met a couple who had relocated to Austin from Boston, where they underwent IVF without success. Since Massachusetts is a state with mandated coverage for fertility treatment, the procedures had cost these Boston fertility patients very little of their own money.

The male partner wanted me to explain all of the costs associated with an IVF cycle at TFC. “As the consumer, I want to know we’re getting our money’s worth,” he said. I then told him about our state-of-the-art laboratory facility,  experienced embryologists, research, our exemplary pregnancy rates, and so on. I could tell he wasn’t quite convinced. However, he and his wife made plans to start a cycle with us after the first of the year.

Finding success for Boston fertility patients

Yesterday, I had a message to call him. The embryo transfer had taken place just days earlier, so we are still in the waiting phase. When I called him back, he said, “I just want to tell you that it was worth all that we paid for, and more.”

When I asked him to elaborate, he told me that the one thing that they had not experienced when they were Boston fertility patients  was to be treated as individuals.

“We saw you [our doctor] for every sonogram. We spoke to our very own nurse each time we had a question. Then, we had the egg retrieval on a weekend where you weren’t on call, but came in to do the procedure for us anyway.  The embryologist sat with us before the embryo transfer to describe the development of our ‘babies.’ He show us what had happened to every single egg. The day after the transfer, he called us again to tell us that we have an embryo they could freeze. The whole experience has been so personal. No matter what happens, we will always remember how much everyone cared.”

What matters most to patients

So, I was educated by my patient. I have two take-home messages. 1) Patients expect the facility to be good and the staff to be competent, but being treated well and with concern and compassion is just as important. 2) Sometimes you really do get what you pay for. Thank you and good luck, former Boston fertility patients. Contact us to learn more.

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