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Choosing an Egg Donor

Egg donor needed – Choosing an egg donor

You receive the news from your fertility doctor that you need an egg donor to conceive, wow; now what? We want you to know two things. First, you are not alone. At Texas Fertility Center (TFC), we coordinate up to eighty egg donor cycles a year. Second, it is natural to grieve over the loss of a genetic link between you and your future child. Take the time you need to come to terms with your diagnosis. When you’re choosing an egg donor, you want to make thoughtful, organized decisions.

Known vs. anonymous

When you are ready to move forward, you should consider whether you would like a known or anonymous egg donor. Think about whether or not you want your future child to have a personal relationship with your egg donor, or if you plan on disclosing this decision at all. This is part of choosing an egg donor.

Texas Fertility Center has an established egg donor program with a pool of well-qualified, anonymous egg donors to help you achieve your dream of becoming a parent. All Texas Fertility Center donors undergo a rigorous prescreening process designed to detect genetic, psychological and physical health abnormalities, as well as sexually transmitted diseases, smoking, alcohol and drug use. Only women who have passed the complete screening process, including a preliminary ultrasound examination and hormonal screening, are selected as donors to potential intended parents.

Choosing an egg donor – What should I look for?

The answer to this questions is a personal choice. Think about what traits are significant to you. Wanting an egg donor who resembles your personal characteristics is often the easy part. A patient searching for an egg donor should become familiar with all sides of family medical history (particularly your partner’s.) Pay close attention to the egg donor’s medical history to keep from “doubling up” on medical diagnoses. Visualize the traits you would like your donor to pass to your future child, such as education, athletic ability or personality. The most important aspects to consider is that your egg donor is mentally and physically healthy, and will comply with requirements of giving this gift. For more information on choosing an egg donor, contact us.

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