Your fertility holiday survival guide
The holidays can be a very difficult time for couples who are struggling with infertility. This time of year is typically when most people want to socialize and are in higher spirits. For couples facing infertility, they may experience sadness, anger and despair. For these couples, this can be a very painful time of year where it is difficult to be around family and friends. To help, here is a fertility holiday survival guide.
Tips from our fertility holiday survival guide
It is important to make decisions during the holiday season that will nurture and protect you. The strain between your needs and the pressure coming from family and friends can be difficult. This is why it is very important that you and your partner decide together how you will handle these situations.
Carefully choose which holiday gatherings you will attend, especially ones where a lot of pregnant women and children will be in attendance. Remember you should not feel guilty about choosing to skip certain events. It is important that you focus on one another and help each other get through this difficult time of year.
Make sure you know in advance how you will handle any difficult situations that may include insensitive questions and remarks. It may be a good idea to discuss and practice your answers.
As part of your fertility holiday survival guide, it may be a good idea to make plans with friends or couples who do not have children. If you are heading to a family gathering, it may be best to arrive and leave early. This way you do not have to spend much time if it is hard to be around the children.
Focus on each other
It is important to focus on you and your partner this holiday season and do the things that you all like to do best. If it is too difficult to attend the holiday festivities, plan a special trip somewhere you have always wanted to go. Although your family may be disappointed that you don’t attend, it is important to do what you believe will be best for you. You can also start your own family holiday traditions that celebrate your love for one another.
Remember what the holiday season really is all about; coming together and celebrating the blessings that you do have in your life. It is important to take into account all the things you are doing for your family, your partner, and yourself. Taking good care of yourself and one another and being there to provide comfort and support is the most important thing you can do during this, sometimes difficult, holiday season.
From the staff and physicians at Texas Fertility Center, we wish you a healthy, enjoyable, and safe holiday season. Contact us to help and support.
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