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Tips for Coping with Infertility During the Holidays

Find support for infertility during the holidays at Texas Fertility Center

Find support for infertility during the holidays at Texas Fertility CenterFamily is a big part of the holiday season. While many people enjoy seeing their loved ones, it can be difficult for women and men who are facing infertility during the holidays. Well-meaning loved ones can ask painful questions like, “When are you going to have kids?” Nieces and nephews at family events can also be a painful reminder of the child you long to have. Our Austin infertility doctors understand and have some tips for coping with infertility during the holiday season.

Tips for coping with infertility during the holidays

Coping with infertility during the holidays is never easy. A time that’s supposed to be joyous can fill anything but as you keep seeing reminders of the children you wish you had. However, the following tips from our Austin infertility doctors can make the holiday season a little easier.

  • Avoid events with children. If being around young children makes you feel sad, you might consider avoiding gatherings where they will be present. If you do attend events with children, keep in mind that you don’t have to hold someone’s baby or play with their toddler if it will bring up negative emotions.
  • Share your feelings with someone you trust. So many hopeful parents suffer in silence when they’re facing infertility during the holidays. However, there’s no need for it. While you might not feel comfortable telling your whole family about your struggles to conceive, it can be helpful to discuss your feelings with your partner or close family members.
  • Don’t feel compelled to answer all questions. Your aunt or mother-in-law may want to know when you’re planning to have a baby. However, you don’t owe them an answer unless you feel comfortable discussing your struggles with them. You get to decide who you tell about your fertility struggles. If you don’t feel comfortable sharing, just give them a vague answer like, “We’re thinking about it,” and change the subject.

Don’t forget to take care of yourself during the holidays

Although self-care may look different for each person, it’s very important when coping with infertility during the holidays. You might enjoy doing something for yourself like getting a massage or taking a relaxing bath. You may also enjoy having a date night or creating holiday traditions with your partner. Taking time for yourself and your relationship is always a good idea.

It’s also important to remember that infertility doesn’t last forever. Our Austin infertility doctors offer many treatment options that can help you welcome a healthy baby. By this time next year, you may be enjoying the holidays with your child. Try to keep that hope in mind.

If you’re looking for more tips to cope with infertility, contact us to schedule an appointment. We can help you on your journey to become a parent.

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