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Texas Fertility Center Group

Sperm Freezing

Sperm freezing for cancer and illness helps men preserve the dream of fatherhood

Learning you have an illness like cancer can feel overwhelming, leaving you to wonder what to do next. Before you begin treatment, Texas Fertility Center (TFC) recommends exploring sperm freezing for cancer and other illnesses.

Modern medicine offers incredible treatments that can allow you to overcome cancer and other illnesses and go on to live a healthy life. However, these medications and procedures can also damage fertility. This is why our Austin fertility center offers oncofertility for men.

Our team makes oncofertility for men fast, simple and discrete

We can freeze sperm at any time before, during or after your treatment. However, men often see the best results when they pursue sperm freezing for cancer early. As a result, we recommend calling our Austin fertility center as soon as you receive a diagnosis. Be sure to tell our staff about your diagnosis so that we can expedite sperm freezing for cancer and illness.

You can schedule an appointment to provide a semen sample at our facility Monday through Friday. Our staff will give you the necessary forms and direct you to a private room for collection. If you are collecting at home, you should gather the specimen in a sterile container from TFC. You should keep the specimen close to body temperature and bring it to our office within one hour of collection.

To obtain the best semen specimen for freezing, we recommend abstaining from ejaculation for two to five days before collection. You should also strive to obtain the sample through masturbation, preferably avoiding any gels, lotions or chemicals during the process.

Sperm freezing for cancer and illness uses the latest technology

Upon receiving the semen sample, our andrologists will perform a semen analysis to document the quality of your specimen. You will receive the results of this report and a recommendation of how many specimens you should provide for freezing.

When it’s time to freeze your sperm, our laboratory team will add a cryoprotectant solution to the specimen. Once treated, our andrologists will divide the sample into units with the appropriate sperm numbers for future use with intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilization (IVF). They will then place the samples in clearly labeled vials and freeze them in tanks filled with liquid nitrogen. To ensure a successful freeze and thaw, we will thaw a small sample of the specimen for a post-freeze analysis.

You can freeze your sperm for as long as necessary

Our Austin fertility center stores frozen sperm for a limited amount of time for patients who plan to use it in upcoming fertility treatments. For long-term frozen storage, we will work with you to transfer your specimens to an Ovation® Fertility long-term storage facility. When you’re ready to use your frozen sperm to become a father, Ovation will ship it back to us and we can begin fertility treatments.

Whether you’re relying on short-term or long-term frozen storage, you can feel confident that your sample will remain safe. The tanks at TFC and Ovation are inspected daily and replenished as needed. All of the tanks also receive continuous monitoring from a security system that guarantees appropriate storage conditions.

To learn more about how oncofertility for men can preserve your dream of fatherhood, contact us. Let us know about your diagnosis and we can expedite your treatment.