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Intrauterine Adhesion Treatment

Intrauterine adhesion treatment can help restore fertility in women

While high-quality eggs and sperm are critical to make pregnancy possible, a healthy uterus (womb) is equally important. For an embryo to implant and grow in the womb, the uterus needs to have a normal shape and be free of obstructions. However, adhesions (scar tissue) can sometimes form inside the uterine cavity (intrauterine). This can cause the uterine walls to stick together, requiring intrauterine adhesion treatment to address the problem.

The Austin fertility surgeons at Texas Fertility Center have received extensive training in minimally invasive surgical procedures. Using this training and their extensive experience, our surgeons can help women overcome adhesions and welcome a baby.

What are adhesions in the uterus and what causes them?

As mentioned above, intrauterine adhesions are scar tissue that forms inside the uterus and causes the uterine walls to stick together. Another term for this condition is Asherman syndrome. This scar tissue can range from thin, stretchy bands of tissue to thick bands in more severe cases.

Typically, intrauterine adhesions are the result of an injury to the uterine cavity after having a procedure like dilation and curettage (D&C). Infections, C-sections and certain surgical procedures can also sometimes lead to intrauterine adhesions.

Many women with Asherman syndrome don’t know that they have adhesions. Although, some women may experience infrequent or light menstrual periods. Often, women discover they have adhesions when they visit our Austin fertility surgeons because they’re struggling to conceive.

What are the options for intrauterine adhesion treatment?

Before recommending treatment for Asherman syndrome, our team will need to diagnose the condition. While it’s possible to make a diagnosis using a hysterosalpingogram (HSG) or a saline sonohysterogram (SHG), hysteroscopy is the most accurate method.

Hysteroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure that involves placing a small, lighted telescope through the vagina and cervix and into the uterus. This procedure allows our Austin fertility surgeons to see directly inside the uterine cavity.

It turns out that hysteroscopy is also how our team provides intrauterine adhesion treatment. Using a special tool, our physicians remove the adhesions during a hysteroscopy. After the procedure, they place a plastic catheter or balloon in the uterus to keep the walls apart during the healing process. The goal is to prevent scar tissue from reforming.

The likelihood of conceiving and welcoming a baby after receiving treatment depends on the severity of the condition. In women with mild to moderate Asherman syndrome, 70% to 80% have a successful full-term pregnancy. However, patients with severe adhesions only have average success rates of 20% to 40%. For these patients, biological parenthood can still be possible with help from in vitro fertilization (IVF) and gestational surrogacy.

If you’d like to learn more about intrauterine adhesion treatment, contact us to schedule an appointment. Our team can help you explore your family-building options to find the best one for you.