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Texas Fertility Center Group

Sam’s Story

Sam’s Story

When my husband and I decided it was time to start a family, we assumed it would be a quick and easy process.


After all, we were both 27 years old, and perfectly healthy.  When things didn’t happen quickly, we decided to “get serious.” We read books, did research, took supplements, charted, plotted, and prayed, and yet the only thing to come from it all was a whole lot of stress, and a heart breaking miscarriage. We asked our OB to do some testing and the results were devastating. We began to question our plans to have a family, and I tried to wrap my brain around the idea of never having children. I couldn’t help but feel that my body was failing me, and it was gut wrenching.

We made an appointment with TFC, and first met with Dr. Burger in August of 2011. We left that appointment with renewed hope and a sense that finally, we had “someone on our side.” The coming months brought numerous appointments, big decisions, surgery, and ultimately an IVF cycle.

Through it all, Dr. Burger’s positive attitude, comforting words, and incredible calm kept us going. My husband used to joke about how all of the uncertainty, stress and worry was immediately calmed as soon as she walked through the door. The morning of our embryo transfer, we were presented with a photo of a 5 day old embryo. That photo is now on the front page of my son’s baby book.

Sam made his way into this world nine months later in August of 2012, almost one year to the day of our first appointment with Dr. Burger.

The joy and love Sam has brought into our lives has been immeasurable. We had no idea that our road to becoming a family would be anything but easy. Yet looking back, I wouldn’t change a thing, because everything we went through led us to our sweet and crazy Sam.


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