A transvaginal ultrasound examination is an integral part of an infertility evaluation
For pregnancy to occur, a woman needs to have healthy ovaries and open fallopian tubes. She also needs to have a uterus (womb) where an embryo can implant and grow into a healthy baby. As a result, our Austin fertility doctors typically order a transvaginal ultrasound examination as part of a fertility evaluation.
This internal ultrasound allows your doctor to examine the shape and size of the uterus. It can also help our team evaluate the uterine lining and detect any other abnormality like fibroids or polyps.
The ultrasound also gives us important information about the ovaries, including how they look and where they are located. Usually, the fallopian tubes are not seen on ultrasound, so your doctor will typically order a separate test called an HSG to look at them more closely.
Other types of doctors may not look at the reproductive organs in the same way that we do. As such, your physician will want to do an ultrasound even if you’ve had one done elsewhere.
How does a transvaginal ultrasound examination work?
Ultrasound is an imaging technique that uses sound waves to painlessly generate an image of a variety of different organs and structures. For a transvaginal ultrasound, the ultrasound technician will use a thin ultrasound transducer (“probe” or “wand”) that is covered with a lubricated condom-like sheath.
During the exam, the technician will insert the tip of the transducer two or three inches into the vagina and evaluate the resulting images from several different angles. The procedure is not painful. In fact, most women say that it’s easier than having a Pap smear.
Why do we use this type of exam at Texas Fertility Center?
Our Austin fertility doctors usually perform an ultrasound examination as part of a new patient visit. Doing so allows them to evaluate the uterus and the ovaries.
- This type of exam allows your doctor to see the size, shape, position and contour of your uterus. It also helps him or her evaluate the uterine wall and cavity for the presence of uterine fibroids, polyps and other abnormalities.
- Ultrasound also enables your doctor to perform a thorough evaluation of your ovaries. It can help him or her detect ovarian cysts. Additionally, it allows him or her to examine your ovary size and egg-containing follicles to get an idea of your ovarian reserve.
- By gently moving the ultrasound probe, your doctor also can assess the mobility of your pelvic organs if he or she suspects that you may have pelvic adhesions (scar tissue).
At Texas Fertility Center, we also commonly use transvaginal ultrasounds to monitor the growth and development of follicles when a patient is taking fertility medications. We can also monitor the development of the uterine lining in medicated cycles.
If you would like to get started on your journey to parenthood, contact us for a new patient appointment with an ultrasound examination. Our Austin fertility doctors will recommend fertility testing to reach an accurate diagnosis and then develop a customized treatment plan for you. We look forward to helping you bring home a bundle of joy.