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Texas Fertility Center Group


Dr. Anthony Propst Shares Insights on Genetic Advances in Reproductive Medicine

CaptureDr. Antony Propst, director of TFC Round Rock, spoke  to medical students, residents and doctors about advances in genetic testing, and applications for infertility, recurrent miscarriage and disease management. He presented the educational session for medical professionals at St. David’s Medical Center Grand Rounds on Tuesday, March 11.

Proactive PGD: Discovering Potential Problems Prior to IVF

TFC regularly performs preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) to examine the DNA contained within embryonic cells. With PGD, we can help patients avoid passing along inheritable genetic conditions (see Monti and Robert’s story here), and make informed decisions about an embryo’s viability.

Genetic testing benefits patients who have experienced:

About Dr. Propst

Dr. Propst actively seeks opportunities to collaborate with colleagues, and train new doctors on advances in reproductive medicine, including genetic testing and PGD. As a retired Colonel in the United States Air Force, Dr. Propst served at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, and has produced over 22 published peer reviewed articles, nine invited book chapters/reviews and numerous academic appointments.

If you would like to learn more about preimplantation genetic diagnosis at TFC, we invite you to see our section on genetic testing.

Contact us for a consultation with Dr. Propst in our TFC Round Rock clinic.

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