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Texas Fertility Center Group

Mallory’s Story

Mallory’s Story

Mallory2 (2) (640x427)Dr. Hansard was such a glimmer of hope for us when we came to TFC in 2011.

We were unhappy with our OB’s care after recurrent miscarriages, and we needed answers. We felt like I was just another patient, appointments were rushed, and calls took hours and hours to be returned. Right away, after the first appointment, we knew TFC was where we needed to be!


Dr. Hansard did not waste any time after our consultation and ran a full panel of tests to try to get to the root of why we were losing the pregnancies. All of our tests came back normal, which was a relief but frustrating at the same time. Under the care of TFC, we conceived again, only to lose the baby after 10 weeks to Trisomy 13. We were heartbroken and still needed answers. Dr. Hansard and the entire staff was so compassionate throughout that difficult time of the unknown. Would I ever be able to carry a child? Would we need an egg donor? Was there something I was doing wrong that caused all of this? The feeling of guilt was so immense! Dr. Hansard spent so much time going over statistics, lab results and options with us… and in the end, we had to accept the fact that we had just fallen into the unfortunate “statistic” of recurrent miscarriages. We would press on and persevere, ultimately leading us to the conception of our miracle daughter, Mallory.


We conceived Mallory with the help of clomid and IUI. What would be the most amazing moment for most couples was actually a source of extreme anxiety for us this time around. Dr. Hansard sensed this and allowed us to come in for an ultrasound and heartbeat check as often as we felt was needed. We saw her every week until about 12 weeks and were so thankful she offered that to us to help relieve some of that anxiety. About 8 months later we welcomed our beautiful daughter into this world!


We returned TFC in the summer of 2013 to talk about baby #2! Two months later, after two rounds of clomid & IUI, we were successful! The anxiety over miscarriage was still very much present, but the fear of never knowing whether or not we would be parents was gone. We are so thrilled to be welcoming our SON in May! We could not be happier with the care we received from Dr. Hansard and everyone at TFC.


Introducing Owen ~


Owen - 1

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