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Texas Fertility Center Group

Camden’s Story

Our daughter had just turned 5 earlier that Fall and we had pretty much given up on having a second child after 3+ years of trying with no success.



Our journey with TFC started in December of 2011.  Our daughter had just turned 5 earlier that Fall and we had pretty much given up on having a second child after 3+ years of trying with no success.  In a matter of a month or two, I had told my friends that and they had asked if we had gone to see a fertility doctor.  I was honestly not even sure how to respond because I had always thought fertility doctors were going to prescribe extremely expensive and extensive treatments and I wasn’t sure we wanted to go to that extreme.  We already had one healthy wonderful child and I didn’t want to go to any major extremes for another – it seemed almost greedy.


Well after some serious urging by a few of my friends who had gone to TFC, we setup an initial appointment with Dr. Hansard.  I will never forget sitting on the couch in her office and thinking this wasn’t at all what I expected.   It was very low key and we really just talked about our history and what we were willing to do.  She was very comforting and we decided to do some of the initial tests.  She instantly liked my husband because he decided to check-in at TFC on Facebook while we were sitting there – I was initially so embarrassed but I am now willing to scream from rooftops how I had success with TFC and Dr. Hansard!


We started the various diagnostic tests and they found that I didn’t ovulate regularly so they prescribed medication and IUI to increase our chances of pregnancy.  Our first treatment was in February of 2012 and it started a monthly ritual of my older daughter and I leaving the house early in the morning to go have breakfast while my husband took care of his business for the procedure!  Unfortunately we did not get pregnant.  I remember being so sad when I got the call with the negative blood test result but I had friends who had gone through this before who were there to keep me going.  We would end up doing 3 more rounds before we found out we were pregnant.  Unfortunately, that pregnancy was just a chemical pregnancy so it didn’t last.  I was crushed and when we went to see Dr. Hansard, she actually made me smile when she told me it was good news because it meant I could get pregnant.  I went to the office in tears and left with a huge sense of hope.


And what do you know, the next month’s treatment took and I got the call from our nurse that we were pregnant!  I had some risk signals so Dr. Hansard had me on medication and doing weekly blood tests for almost my entire first trimester.  I was scared but they continued to monitor the numbers and that put me at ease.  At 7-8 weeks, we got to see the baby via ultrasound and personally thank Dr. Hansard for all that she did.  When I checked out that day, the nurses gave me a graduation certificate – it was such a nice touch and as much as I was going to miss seeing them every day, it was one awesome graduation present to get pregnant!


In March of 2013, our sweet little Camden was born.  She was a big healthy baby and instantly brought joy to our entire family.  My older daughter Mackenzie absolutely loves being a big sister and we love our bigger family!



A few months after Camden was born, we went to TFC so she could meet Dr. Hansard.  It was a neat experience to have the person who helped bring our dreams of having another child sitting in front of us holding that child.  We are forever thankful for Dr. Hansard and the rest of the doctors, nurses and staff at TFC. Camden is 6 months old now and we are considering having another baby.  If and when we do, we will definitely go back to TFC.  They are like extended family to us!



Photographs were taken by Abby Glenn Photography