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Texas Fertility Center Group

Texas Fertility Center and RESOLVE

Texas Fertility Center has a deep commitment to infertility advocacy

On both the local and the national level, our Austin fertility center is well-known for infertility advocacy. A large part of this advocacy involves partnering with RESOLVE – The National Infertility Association. From sponsoring a grant to attend Advocacy Day in Washington, D.C., to working with the organization in our local communities, our team is proud to raise infertility awareness and advocate for greater access to treatment.

Local and national infertility advocacy efforts

Our Austin fertility center is a proud supporter of RESOLVE in Texas. This type of infertility advocacy allows our physicians and staff to directly reach and help hopeful parents and fertility patients.

We are also proud of our infertility advocacy efforts at the national level, especially when it comes to Advocacy Day. During this special day in May, fertility doctors, hopeful parents and other advocates of the infertility community come together in Washington, D.C., to make their voices heard.

The Texas Fertility Center family realizes that there is a great need to raise awareness about infertility as a common and curable medical condition, as well as to find ways to increase access to affordable and effective fertility treatments. On this day every year, our own Kaylen Silverberg, MD as well as many other allies in the infertility community come together to speak directly with lawmakers who can make a difference in the lives of infertility patients.

We find that the stories of patients who are going through or who have undergone infertility treatments are especially powerful. That’s why our Austin fertility center, in conjunction with Ovation® Fertility, sponsors a grant every year that pays for one recipient to attend Advocacy Day in Washington, D.C. For consideration, interested parties need to submit their fertility story in written or video format. We also welcome and encourage photos.

The power of infertility advocacy to change lives

As a society, we have made great progress over the last few decades in raising infertility awareness. However, we know we still have more work to do. That’s why our Austin fertility center continues with infertility advocacy efforts every day.

To learn more about infertility and our efforts to raise awareness, contact us at our Austin fertility center. Together, we can make infertility a thing of the past.