My husband and I had been trying to conceive for almost 5 years before coming to Texas Fertility Center.
I had always known I would have problems getting pregnant when the time came so I did all kinds of treatments to get my body to function like it is suppose to.
Then in the fall of 2007 I became pregnant. I was so excited when I found out! After only a couple weeks of knowing I was pregnant I knew something was wrong. I ended up miscarrying that baby. I was crushed.
Two months later, on Valentine’s Day no less, I took another pregnancy test. It was positive! This was going to be the best Valentine’s Day ever! Shortly after I found out I knew something wasn’t right. It wasn’t like the last pregnancy though. This one was different. I went to the ER one night and they told me I was miscarrying. The next morning I went to my OB/GYN (who I absolutely LOVED) and after checking everything out that I was not miscarrying. They didn’t know what was going on. But the baby was still growing. After a few weeks of off and on extreme pain an ultra sound finally confirmed what I had already figured out. It was an ectopic pregnancy. My tube ruptured and I was rushed into surgery. Thankfully I was already at the Doctor’s office.
After another year of trying to conceive naturally my Doctor sat us down and said that our next step would be to go see a specialist. He referred us to TX Fertility. I had a friend who came here in the past and recommended Dr. Hansard.
We setup our first initial appointment for August of 2009. I loved Dr. Hansard from the first meeting! I knew that she was the one for us. After getting all our finances in order to be able to do IVF we were able to move ahead. November of 2009 I started all the medications. In December we harvested the eggs. Out of all the eggs harvested 4 fertilized and were of great quality. The second week in December we went and had one single egg implanted. A few weeks later, I was pregnant!
January came and we saw the baby and got to hear the heartbeat at our 9 week appointment with Dr. Hansard. A week after that, I was in the ER for bleeding. Turns out I had a hemorage cyst, luckily it was outside the placenta. I was considered “high risk” until about my 5 month of pregnancy.
On August 27, 2010 my son, Peyton Carter, was born weighing 5 lbs 10 oz and 19 ½ inches long. He has been a light in my life ever since! I am so blessed with this amazing child. It was a rough road but I would do it all over again for him. Peyton is 3 yrs old now and loves all things boy, monster trucks, fire trucks, bikes, sports, trains, and hunting.
If you are thinking of doing IVF then I would say it was an amazing experience. TX Fertility was amazing. I loved my nurse, Amanda, she was always available if I had questions or concerns. Dr. Hansard was the best! I could not have been more happy with everyone on staff!
Photographs taken by Andrea Foster Photography