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Samantha and Sophia’s Story

While it can be incredibly difficult to juggle the rest of life with infertility treatment, the one constant I had was the conviction that I was with the right physician.



Samantha and Sophia



Dr. Vaughn is compassionately honest, personally invested with each patient, always on time, and an expert in his field.  It made all the difference in the world knowing he was in my corner.  Being an infertility doctor is not his just his profession, it’s who he is.




Through my journey, I knew that every step and procedure was calculated and had its rightful purpose.  I am so blessed to have crossed paths with Dr. Vaughn and to have been under his care.

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… and now I have 27 month old smiling twin faces who remind me of it every day!


  I will remain forever grateful, I am a Mommy!

Dr. Thomas Vaughn explains
when you should see a fertility specialist.

Dr. Thomas Vaughn - How common is infertility and when should you see a specialist